Helpless in a strange place.
Living in a new environment always brings its own set of challenges. For me, moving to Xi'an brought a great deal of city shock. Coming from a small town, it was difficult to get used to the traffic, the noise and the extra steps to accomplishing certain tasks. With a lot of patience and technology, I feel like I have learned how to navigate these challenges with some ease. One challenge that has been particularly difficult, however, has caused a great deal of anxiety for me and one that I haven't figured out how to solve. The problem is being helpless in certain situations. For me in particular, it's in transportation and even, at times, basic communication to solve seemingly simple problems. Getting around Xi'an requires you to rely on public transportation and taxi's. Unfortunately due to a possible lack of literacy, this can create many problems. Understanding the times of day and places to get transportation is also difficult as many resources simply don...