Random products at the Grocery Store
The grocery store is one of the first things that caused me to experience culture shock here in China. Grocery stores in China are set up similar to ones in the US but there are so many odd experiences that you may feel like giving up, but don't. Once you figure out some simple tips you will be a pro.
Tip #1- You can't use your American Credit or Debit cards in China. I still have not found any shop or store no matter how big, that will accept my US credit card or debit card.
Tip #2- When buying produce, you get it weighed and obtain a price sticker BEFORE going through the checkout. Near the produce and meat section or rather any area where you can buy things in bulk, or need it weighed, there will be a service person at a scale. They will weigh your items and then stick the price label on. *This is actually a smart and efficient way of doing things*
Tip #2- Bring your own shopping bags. If you forget to bring your own reusable bags or just don't have any, you can buy plastic bags but they don't give them away like in the US.
Tip #3- Be prepared to see some unusual products.
Potato Chips come in weird flavors like roasted squid and yogurt. You can find classic flavor but the others are too weird for me.
Random "Baby Banana" Teether and brush in the convenience shop. This picture is mainly for my friend Natalee. If you need a little taste of home you can also get 'Cup o Noodles.
Odd live fish and seafood. Plus a weird mushroom or fungi of some kind. I wouldn't eat it.
Of course you can't get far without your caffeine fix. China does not have the variety of soda that we do back home. They have Coke and Pepsi, Bing Fan or Ice Peak (this is basically Orange Soda) and Sprite, sometimes.
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